Friendship is

Halo Readers semua,

Semoga sehat walafiat yaaaa….. gimana puasanya? Moga lancar jaya deh ya…
Well, ngobok2 my notes at facebook, I found this note, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat yaa….

Friendship is a connection to life..

a tie to the past

a road to the future

a gift given by God to stay and care...

True friends are like morning

you can't have them the whole day

but you can be sure

they will be there when you wake up

next day, next week, next year


A friend is a person to laugh and cry with,

an inspiration,

someone who lends a helping hand,

Though friend may not be forever,

and they may not end up together,

the memories of a true friendship will last forever

A friend is not a shadow nor a servant

But someone who holds

a piece of a person in his heart

Someone who shares a smile

someone who brighten up your day

What makes a person a friend

is by saying your love will stay

jadi mari ta bina persahabatan wahai syedara...

2 komentar

  1. salam persahabatan. tks sudah ke blog saya.

  2. wah dapat kunjungan balasan dari sang cerpenis nih. makasih ya... salam hangat ya... :-)
